
Monday, March 15, 2010

Has Carol broken with Elena Lupescu

March 15, 1930

Reliable sources tell the Associated Press that Prince Carol, the father of the young King Michael of Roumania, has separated from Elena Lupescu, the woman for whom he renounced his rights to the thrine.
This is not the first report of a separation between Carol and Elena. The reports are usually followed by the couple making a joint appearance to let everyone know that they are still together.
Prince Carol is divorced from Michael's mother, Princess Helen.


  1. Marlene,
    Do you have any photos of Elena Lupesco? I've only seen one of her in a poorly lit night club.


  2. I am not sure I have a photo in my collection, but there are certainly photos of her in the bio of Carol, as well as the the bio of Lupescu
