
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lord Frederick's Hampton Court Wedding

Lord Frederick Windsor will marry Sophie Winkleman on September 12, 2009. The wedding will take place at the Chapel Royal at Hampton Court.

Although Princess Michael is Roman Catholic, she agreed that her children would be raised in the Church of England. Lord Frederick's baptism took place on July 11, 1979 at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace. Queen Elizabeth II attended the ceremony. The godparents included Princess Alexandra (who could not attend because of a long-standing engagement in Liverpool; the Earl of St. Andrews; Prince Karl of Schwarzenberg and Mrs. Jacqueline Geddes.
According to Peter Lane's biography, Princess Michael of Kent, one of the princess's priest friends was a guest at the baptism. The baptism was performed according to the rites of the Anglican church. Incidentally, The Times was not published during this time period due to labor issues.

I attended a Sunday service at the Chapel Royal on September 9, 2001. A lovely service.


  1. I'll bet if there hadn't been such a big to-do about Peter and Autumn Phillips' taking the money from Hello, Lord Freddie and his mum would have been happy to do a deal.

  2. If Peter and Autumn's deal with the magazine was to allow only the official photos, there would not have been a problem. But the problem was to allow the photographer access to the service (The Wessexes were furious - there is one shot in the church where Lady Louise's face is blacked out which the Wessexes insisted on) as well as the reception photos.
    They are having their wedding at a nice place - and one assumes the Winklemans will have to cough up a bit - and they are well off.
