
Friday, February 6, 2009

Michel and Michael of Yugoslavia

Bloomberg, the financial news service, is apparently confused about the Yugoslav prince who tried to get the Prince of Wales to invest in a Madoff scheme. The prince in question is 50-year-old Prince Michel of Yugoslavia, who lives in Miami, and is the twin brother of Prince Dimitri of Yugoslavia. They are the sons of Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia and Princess Maria Pia of Italy.
Bloomberg thinks that the Prince is Prince Michael -- they describe him as 99th in the line of the succession -- who is the son of the late Prince Tomislav of Yugoslavia. Prince Michael was born in 1985, and is currently 101st in the line of succession to the British throne.
Prince Michel is a Roman Catholic and does not have dynastic rights.

1 comment:

  1. I live on the island of Guam. I am new to your blog. Anyways, I am interest in items and events about the royal families of Europe. Thank you. Truly, George
