
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This brought tears to my eyes

Charles Mathias is a Republican who represented Maryland in the House and then the Senate from 1961-1986 . He also represents what Republicans used to be like.

Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld, who backed Mitt Romney in the primaries, has also come out in support of Barack Obama. He is the second Republican former governor to support Senator Obama. Former Minnesota governor Arne Carlson announced on October 23rd that he was voting for Barack.
Ditto former Bush press secretary Scott McClelland.

I want to wake up on Wednesday morning to hear Matt Lauer say President-elect Obama.


  1. And don't forget former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell!

    Marlene, you're from Virginia, right? Is that the "real" part of Virginia? ;)

    Tuesday evening can't come fast enough. GObama!

  2. Sarah would not think I live in the "real" Virginia! :)

  3. I hear you. I live in a blue county in a red state. Palin's head would explode if she tried to contemplate that, so I'm probably not "real" either.

  4. I am not a native, having grown up in NJ with real Republicans. (NJ was always a swing state, could go either way, now largely Democratic.) I have been in VA for nearly 20 years now.

    Virginia was the first state to elect an African-American as governor (Doug Wilder, now mayor of Richmond).
    Our gov is a Democrat and one of two Senators is a Democrat. In the next Senate, however, both Senators will be Democrats. Mark Warner is a sure thing. Gilmore cannot beat him. Both are ex-governors (in VA, govs can serve only one term.)

  5. I salute your decision to leave the current Republican party, who is not even a shadow of what the party used to be.

  6. thanks. I didn't vote for Bush four year ago either. I plead guilty, however, to voting for him in 2000.
