
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Interesting blind item in the New York Post

From the New York Post's page six column: " WHICH European princess managed to keep her breast cancer secret many years ago? The brave beauty lost all her hair from chemotherapy but blamed her baldness on alopecia."

It was in September 1996 that an Italian magazine, Oggi, published photos of Princess Caroline of Monaco looking "gaunt and bald." It was also at this time that her romance with the then-married Prince Ernst August of Hannover surfaced. Paris Match published several pages of photos of the two together in France, The Princess was seen wearing a turban on her head.
The Princess did not discuss why she had gone bald, but in November 1996, her brother, Prince Albert, said that her hair loss was a "dematological problem and that it will grow back." By late winter 1997, Caroline went public for the first time with a new head of hair. It was made known that she had suffered from alopecia areta, a skin disorder that can last a few months or a few years. Alopecia can be caused by stress.
By the summer of 1997, the romance between Ernst August and Caroline was fully in the public eye, and had Caroline's father's approval. The princess was photographed wearing a bikini.
If this blind item is true, I hope that the princess will come forward and acknowledge that she is a breast cancer survivor. Princess Caroline -- the Princess of Monaco -- is in a position to help raise money to fight the insidious disease - and there would be a lot of sympathy and support for her.
When Betty Ford and Happy Rockefeller were diagnosed with breast cancer, they used their roles as First and Second Lady, to put the disease on the front burner. Millions of American women had mammograms because the two women were willing to be open about what they were going through.

1 comment:

  1. I see a lot of posting on this on some forums. If it is true it would have been a excellent opportunity for her to raise funds and awareess.However when you think she had a child after( completly possible after cancer) , continues to smoke, and seemed basicaly healthy then and now, you wonder.I suppose anyhting is possible and she's a survivor in more ways than one.
