Sunday, May 1, 2011

We got the bastard ...

Celebrate, celebrate ... and honor and revere all those who died on 9-11  ... We have justice ....  and now, we have down our job.  Time to bring all the troops home!

The President has made the announcement.  Bin Laden dead, and American troops got him - and we have the body.  
Americans are gathering outside the White House, waving flags, cheering!   And also at the site of the World Trade Center!!!!


Violeta said...


Diane said...

I couldn't have said it any better, Marlene! God bless our troops!

Dennis said...

Well, we had the body. It is now nutritionally enriching a shark or eel or grouper or two, and the leftovers will sift down to the bottom feeders.

It's a very interesting coincidence that the announcements of the deaths of Bin Ladin and of Hitler were both made on May 1, 66 years apart.

Hitler had actually died the day before, but still...shouldn't May 1 be a festive "Death of Monsters" holiday?