Tuesday, April 5, 2011

a girl for the Chanlers

April 5, 1935

Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Chanler are the parents of a daughter, who was born "last Monday at the Oaks, their country place in Barrytown, N.Y," according to the New York Times.    Mrs. Chanler is the former Princess Maria Antonia de Braganca, daughter of Theresa Duchess of Braganca and the late Duke Miguel of Braganca, "pretender to the throne of Portugal."

Maria Antonia and Mr. Chanler were married last June at Schloss Seebenstein in Austria.   The infant girl will be named Mafalda.  She is a descendant of the first John Jacob Astor.

Mr. and Mrs. Chanler spent the Winter at the Vanderbilt in New York City.

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