Monday, June 7, 2010

Duchess of York threatened with kidnapping

June 7, 1926

The Duchess of York has received a letter threatening to kidnap her, according to the New York Times. The letter, which was opened by a secretary, was received at the Duke and Duchess of York's residence on Bruton Street in London. The letter, "presumably the work of a madman," was handed over to Scotland Yard, "without being shown to the Duchess.
The letter "bore obvious attempts to disguise and showed signs of illiteracy." It "contained a threat to kidnap the Duchess, but police do not attach much importance to letter because the "royal family is well guarded."
The letter is believed to "be the work of either a madman or someone desiring notoriety."

1 comment:

John said...

I thought it was that more recent (former!) Duchess of York, hehe. I'm sure there are some who'd be reluctant to pay up THAT ransom.