Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bernhard and Wilhelmina are at odds

April 6, 1938

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the husband of Crown Princess Julian, is cruising off the southern coast of Italy aboard the Galeb, a 5,000 ton Yugoslav freighter, and is expected to return on April 25, according to the Daily Mail's Hague correspondent's report.
"Minor" differences have arisen between Queen Wilhelmina and her son-on-law due to Crown Princess Juliana, who shares her "modern young husband's" ideas. The Queen has tried in vain to "prevent the Prince and Princess from boating and engaging in other sports on Sundays." Crown Princess Juliana wanted to accompany her husband on the cruise, but Wilhelmina would not allow out because Juliana's daughter, Beatrice, was only a few weeks old.

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