Wednesday, October 1, 2008

First communion for Infanta Mercedes

October 1, 1892. Infanta Mercedes of Spain, who is the older sister of King Alfonso XIII, received her first Holy Communion. The service was conducted "with characteristic Spanish pomp and ceremony." The infanta, 12, fasted for 24-hours, and during that time, saw no one, but her mother, her maid and her confessor. On the morning of the "great day," Mercedes was dressed by her mother in a simple, white muslin robe, "with a wreath of white roses and a long white veil."
Little king Alfonso "hovered around the room," and was apparently deeply impressed by his sister's attire. Alfonso's other sister, Infanta Maria Teresa, "promptly began to weep." The service took place in the palace chapel, "which was in a blaze of lighted tapers." Queen Maria Cristina sat under a dais to the right of the altar with her son and younger daughter, and the Infanta Isabel.
Afterward, Infanta Mercedes, who is the heiress presumptive to the throne, received her guests, as members of the court passed in review, "congratulating her and kissing her hand."

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